The main aim of the foreign language teaching is to familiarize students with the language of their discipline in order to acquire the language skills that will enable them to comprehend written scientific discourse relevant to their studies. An additional aim is to help students develop the necessary communication skills in order to use the foreign language effectively for special/academic purposes.
Foreign language courses are included in the study programme of the different Schools as compulsory or elective courses. They are usually taught from one to four semesters and are assigned credit units which correspond to ECTS credits.
Within the ERASMUS framework students from other European Universities may choose to attend courses of foreign languages which are assigned ECTS credits.
The languages taught are : English, French, German and Italian.
English Language courses are designed to be suitable for use at B2 proficiency level, in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Courses are tailored to the special/academic needs of the students’ particular discipline.
French Language courses are designed to be suitable for use at B2 proficiency level, in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Courses are tailored to the special/academic needs of the students’ specific discipline.
German Language courses are designed to suit various proficiency levels depending on the students’ needs in each School. Courses range from teaching General Language and Culture to teaching German for specific/academic purposes.
Italian Language courses are designed to be suitable for use at A1-A2 proficiency level, in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).General Language and Culture are taught as well as special vocabulary related to different disciplines.